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Director Marc MacNamara is joined by stars of the film, Luke Adams and Tarzan himself, Diego Sans, as well as PA Thomas Branigan and actor and producer John Hill to deliver behind-the-scenes facts and hilarious commentary on Men.com fan favorite Tarzan. Nostalgia, Part 3 (Diego Sans and Tobias Tag-Team Blaze Austin) Diego Sans, Tobias, Blaze Austin by: MEN.com 71 Tarzan: A Gay XXX Parody (Colton Grey & Luke Adams Flip-Fuck) (Part 1) Luke Adams, Colton Grey by: MEN. Tonight we're going back to 2016 and reentering the jungle of Tarzan. Welcome to Watch With Us, where we pull back the curtain, and the foreskin, and dish the dirt on some of your favorite episodes.

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